A power strip is an electrical socket that attaches to the main circuit and allows several devices to be powered from one single location. It is normally used to power devices near it, such as video, audio, cord, plug equipment, and more. It also includes a circuit breaker so that in case there is an overload or short circuit, it is going to respond quickly. When it comes to protection against power surges, it is important to learn more about whether or not your power strip is compliant in the first place. Here are some ways that you would be able to know about them.
Check the labels
Without a doubt, to figure out about your strip, the most important thing to do is to check the labels to see them through. You will find out almost everything that you need to know about it through the labels that it comes with. You should also look for testing stickers that ensure that your strip has been thoroughly tested. This will give you an idea about what type of tests your strip has gone through but also assure you that it is compliant with all of the rules that come with it.

The furniture power distribution units or FPDU is what rates your power strip as compliant to UL 498 or the standard for attachment plugs and receptacles. The unit can employ surge suppression components, electromagnetic interferences, universal serial bus outlets, LED lighting receptacles, and more. Products meant to be used for your strip are telephone equipment, communication circuit protectors, antenna discharge units, and a lot more. Through FPDU, you will ensure that you will have a safe usage of your strip. This is because their certification also means that it has been tested by a third party that is trusted and independent enough. This minimizes possible safety risks so that you can be assured that you will be as safe as possible when it comes to it.
Multioutlet assemblies
This is something that consists of a nonmetallic or a metallic enclosure and outlet wiring that can provide power for the utilization of your equipment. This one is easily connected with circuits and is used to provide additional power. It is certified by trusted third parties as well, which will help ensure the usability of your device. Thus, if you are using your strip for this, you can be sure that you will be getting something that has been monitored in accordance with specific instructions.

National electrical code
In order to ensure that you will be able to get a power strip that is trusted and compliant, search for the certification by the RTP, which helps you ensure that it is already tested to minimize safety risks and to ensure that you will be able to use your strip without a problem at all. You might as well just check out the manufacturer online to not have many problems with it.